Special Education Attorneys

for Special Education Administrators


Expedient & exceptional service In Southern California


We exclusively represent Public Schools and other Educational Agencies throughout Southern California.

At Hatch & Cesario, Attorneys-at-Law, we explore collaborative and thoughtful resolutions to minimize litigation so that you, the students you educate and the parents you partner with, are better served.

We know how complex and vague the law can be, so we do not simply answer your questions with “it depends,” “no,” or “yes.”

We provide legal options to help your school or agency achieve its desired outcomes, teach you how to spot red flags to avoid litigation and collaborate with parents and their advocates.

When matters become litigious, we represent you and your staff at IEP team meetings, mediations, due process hearings, court proceedings and during investigations. We are committed to controlling legal issues and costs, anticipating problems and practicing preventive law.

 Meet Melissa & Debbie
Special Education Attorneys

We are partners and co-founders of Hatch & Cesario, Attorneys-at-Law based in Ventura and virtually in San Diego. By building and maintaining strong relationships with our clients, we deepen our understanding of each organization’s mandate and mission.

Our Commitment to Our Clients, We:

  • Take pride in helping our clients serve children with special needs

  • Work collaboratively with parents and their advocates and attorneys to find child-centered solutions

  • Respect the rights of children with special needs, and their parents

  • Find proactive and creative solutions in partnership with our clients so that relationships with families remain positive



We help you focus on the children you educate. Resolve legal issues collaboratively and quickly.
